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Do you find yourself constantly glued to your laptop or smartphone all day, constantly playing a game that is killing your productivity levels? If so then you might have developed a gaming addiction. This can be a pretty vicious cycle because if you do not use gaming for its intended purposes, it can turn into a very powerful time-killing mechanism. However, if you are constantly spending time on these games and neglecting other crucial tasks in order to achieve short-term goals in the game, then it's time for some tough love from yourself and from other people around you because frankly no one likes playing with an addicted gamer. So what can you do if you are addicted to games? The best thing you can do is acknowledge the problem and, most importantly, find out why you can't stop playing video games. Before considering challenges or drastic measures, understand that gaming addiction is not an easy condition to deal with. Even the most successful companies in the entertainment industry have found it very difficult to create effective treatments for gaming addiction solely due to an intricate nature of the disease. If our lives are ruled by external factors like video games, then we are forced to deal with them in a very dynamic manner; however, gaming creates a very real sense of disconnection from reality. Instead of helping us cope with our problems, gaming addiction makes us want to escape them instead. This can be especially dangerous for young gamers who are not yet able to understand the difference between the real world and the virtual one. So how can you stop gaming? Firstly, it's important to understand why you play video games so much. What is it that keeps bringing you back? It could be some sort of an emotional breakthrough, such as wanting to find some type of closure after a difficult period in your life. It could also be some kind of an escape from reality and a way to feel like your life is more exciting than it actually is. Whatever the reason may be, there is always a way out. Once you have disentangled yourself from the so-called addiction, what is next? You will need to replace the gaming habit with something else. The most obvious way to do this is finding something new so you can develop your gaming skills. But, if this does not work out for you, then the next best option is to look for some kind of gameplay that will engage your emotions in a positive manner. Luckily, there are many options that fall under this category. A great way to get started would be role-playing games which are easy to get into and will keep you moving forward through a story line instead of completing tedious tasks in games like "Call of Duty". There is no denying that gaming can be very addictive; however, a lot of people who play a lot of games do not become addicted to them. If you do not recognize the problem and continue to binge on games, then you should seek help from a professional therapist or therapist. This way, you will receive professional help and other people around you will have an easier time dealing with your gaming habits as well. The important thing to remember is that there is always hope as long as you know the risks and keep track of each gaming session. cfa1e77820

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